Wednesday, September 8, 2010

not doing well

im like in a bad place.

my head is full of self doubt and worry about my future. ive lost 13 lbs in like, a week. im considering ending it with lee. and on top of that, its looking like im taking a semester off from school.

i just dont know whats going on with me. im depressed all the time. im just overwhelmed.

i think im going to seek professional help. maybe see someone to help me out.

id love to talk to anyone who has any advise or just wants to talk.




  1. Why are you thinking of ending it with Lee?

  2. Shit dude, I thought you were doing great. If you are thinking about professional help, then by all means do it. Losing 13 lbs in a week is not good - although I could stand to lose 13 lbs and I am envious...

  3. hit me up on MSN buddy... we can chat...

    trust me... been there... done that.

  4. Hi there, Dan


    I'm sorry to hear you're feeling down. Losing 13 pounds in a week is definitely not good. Your tweet a few days ago said you weren't eating - please try to have something to eat, even if you don't feel like it. Sugars and carbohydrates would probably be good (peanut butter & jelly sandwich?), and almost any food is likely to make you feel at least a little better than you do now.

    Please DON'T break up with Lee while you're feeling like this. I'm sure nothing has changed in your relationship, except the fact that you're feeling depressed - and that should a cause for you two to be together, so that he can help support you.

    Professional help sounds like a good idea.

    If you would like someone to talk to, please feel free to talk to me. I don't have MSN or any other instant messaging (though it probably could be arranged), but e-mail should work fine: I should be around for the next 4-5 hours before I have to go to bed. I think there are plenty of things you could talk about: why you are feeling overwhelmed? Why are you thinking of taking a semester off?



  5. It's crap that you're feeling like that and i know what you mean cuz i'm personally there myself. Unfortunately i cannot give you any good advice cuz apparently i'm not good at handling almost the same situation as well. I would just say don't do change just for the sake of change and hopping something would end up better. Also in such moods people tend to make decision which tend to be crap.
    Just hang in there know that even from across the world there are people to talk to.

  6. hey why the sudden thought of breaking up? i'd chat with you anyday okie, take care of your body. losing so mcuh weight in a short time is very unhealthy (as much as i hate to say it), don't starve yourself! MEGA HUGS.

  7. Hang in there. Use your blog to express your feelings. We are all here for you.

  8. aww love it will be ok and guys with the name lee i am basised agianst so dont ask my advise on that but make sure it is what you want you might loss the greatest thing in your life and regret it or it is needed and then two know its going to be ok even if it is it will be i know i have said it a hundred times but i believe it truely sadness cant last forever unless you give in Love<~Peter~>

  9. I sent you some messages. I hope we can chat soon.

    Much Love and giant hugs!!!


  10. Hang in there, you have friends and people who care about you who you can always talk to no matter what it's about.

    Take care and hugs.

  11. I am sorry to hear you aren't doing so well.

    If it makes you feel any better, we all go through it and I am sure you will feel better soon.

    Just try and stay positive, this is just a temporary blip.

  12. Hi dan reading through some of the blogs i follow and read yours. I hope that your doing better. I'm not sure what's up between you and lee but if your still working through things with lee maybe you need time away for a while. As far as talking to a professional help that's also good to sort things out in life. Some trusted friends can be of help to you if you choose that path. Hang in there and i'll talk to you if you would like.

  13. Hi there, Dan

    I've just dropped in to see if there's any news from you. To answer the question on your Twitter feed: yes, I did miss you. More precisely, I was concerned about you, and would have a look here from time to time to see if there was any news of how things were going for you. I hope you're feeling happier now than you were a week ago.


